Wednesday 29 August 2012

Back To Basics

So I've been away for a little while now, things weren't going well.  I had to stop running because of my shin and when i tried to run after a couple of weeks it wasn't any better and I felt totally rubbish and I didn't want to be on here writing down posts all the time.

slowly things started to get better, and I could run again, only on soft flat surfaces but that was a start.  A few weeks ago I started a new 12 week training plan which will take me exactly up to race day and is based on running mileage instead of running for time.  On one hand its been pretty tough, going out for a run and knowing you have to do 40 minutes or whatever is one thing but going out and knowing that you have to do 5 miles is something else.

I'm settling in to it now ok, I don't really plan my runs before I go, I know that the way I'm going is AT LEAST the distance I'm meant to be covering if not a little more so I'm happy with that and its nice not knowing where I'm at distance wise until I finish and see how far I've gone.

I won't lie its still hard, today my legs ache so much and I am worried that the pain will come back in my shins or maybe somewhere else and then I really don't know what I'll do with so few weeks until the race - but I can't think about that too much it might not even happen.

Food is something else that I've been struggling with during the time I've been away, I guess because I haven't been logging on MyFitnessPal and I haven't been blogging I haven't felt like I've had to "fess up".  Anyway that's changing as of RIGHT NOW and today I've got a load of healthy stuff in my cupboard for when I feel a lull and would have been reaching for the crisps before.

So that's where I'm at at the moment, I'll be blogging more now I'm getting back on track and pretty much back to the mileage I was at before it all went wrong.

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