Monday 9 July 2012

Week 5 Round Up

I can't believe 5 weeks have gone by so quickly.  This week's runs have been mixed Tuesday was a 30-40 min easy run and I did 40 minutes and then walked for a few minutes after to cool down and stretch out my legs.

Total time 43:43 Distance: 7.20km

Thursday was another 30-40 minute easy run so I decided to run a new route through the posh bit of town then joining up to the park later, I really enjoyed the new part of the run and felt pretty good so I extended the loop so I would get into the park right at the top.  Now I don't know what it is but as soon as I get into the park now I don't seem to enjoy it as much.  Its all in my head no doubt but its bothering me.

Total time: 38:38 Distance: 6.85km

Now seeing as I'd struggled on Thursday I wasn't looking forward to my first hour long run.  I decided to run on Saturday morning, we didn't do park run but I mapped a route before we left Mr D's parents that was just over 5 miles, I thought that would be about right and if we were back home before the 60 minutes was up was could run around the block a few times.

I asked Mr D if he knew the route as it involved a few paths through Bushy Park but he said he knew where he was going.... he didn't.  In the end it was just as well, we ended up popping out of the park at Hampton gate and running down the road to Hampton Court.  That's when the heavy rain started which actually was quite refreshing at 40 or so minutes!  I did panic a bit when I realised we'd only have 20 minutes to get back from where we were but carried on anyway into the park and out the other side, there was still time left so we ran over the railway bridge and we were a minute or two from home when my timer finished.

Here's the graph from my Nike+

Total Time: 1:01:00 Distance: 10.92km

My longest and furthest run!  When I synced my run I had this pop up:

I know it's my first 10k and by default my fastest but I am really pleased with how the training is going at the moment.

I didn't manage any extra yoga sessions like I'd hoped but I did manage to do 40 minutes yesterday as my X train, I'd like to think I'd get some more done this week but that doesn't look likely as we exchanged on our new house on Friday and now all my free time will be spent sorting our things and packing (does that count as exercise??)

This week I've had to change some things around to fit in work etc so here's how its looking:

Monday: 30 minutes (last 10 HM pace)
Tuesday: Rest (I've swapped Monday and Tuesday)
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: 15 min easy, 15 min HM pace/threshold, 15 min easy (total 45 mins)
Friday: Rest
Saturday: X train
Sunday: 60 min easy

Quite looking forward to moving now not just so that we can be in the new house but for a bit of variety in the runs, as the time increases I'll still be able to go along the canal I'll just have to brace myself for a hill run all the way back!

Food is going to be a bit weird this week.  We're trying to eat up everything in the freezer so the meal plan is:

Monday Lunch - Pea and Lettuce Soup with crispy smoked bacon (will do the recipe for this later because its delicious)
Monday Dinner: Cottage Pie
Tuesday Lunch: Cottage Pie leftovers
Tuesday Dinner: At my parents house in Wales so probably a stir fry
Wednesday Lunch: Ham and Cream Cheese Bagel with salad and crudites
Wednesday Dinner:  Cheese and Bacon Stuffed Pasta Shells
Thursday Lunch: Pasta Shell leftovers
Thursday Dinner: Pea and Lettuce Soup (Mr D is at rugby so I can't be bothered to cook for myself)
Friday Lunch:  Ham and cream cheese bagel
Friday Dinner: Grilled Venison Burgers and homemade paprika wedges

Alot of that isn't as clean and lean as I'd like but needs must this week!

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