Thursday 12 April 2012

No Progress

I might stop blogging until I'm well enough to exercise again because this isn't exactly making for inspiring reading right now is it?  I'm sure you can guess that no Jillian was done yesterday, I did walk home again though which was nice as te sun was out and I didn't get hailed on this time.  I also managed to do some cleaning and sorting of the house as someone is coming to value it this weekend.

Breakfast yesterday was the same, milk, oatbran, black grapes and 4 seed mix.  lunch was 2 slices (1/4) of the quiche I posted yesterday with a great big pile of iceberg lettuce. Snacks were the same as yesteday. Dinner was chicken and veg stir fry - no noodles and I wimped out of using the coconut oil but I'm having the same for tea tonight so I'll be brave and try it then.

Sorry for the lame posting, I'll have the camera back (and hopefully fulling fucntioning immune system) tomorrow and I'm re-starting RI30 on Monday so you'll be inundated with pictures then.

Calories: 1164/1520 (I know, I know)
5 A Day? grapes (1) 2 clementines (1) iceberg (1) quiche (1) stir fry (1 - at least) = 5.

1 comment:

  1. Mrs Dens if you start again on Monday I may join you, can make me do it. I need a kick up the butt ha
