Wednesday 9 May 2012

Its all about balance?

So yesterday was good and bad.

Food was an actimel when I got up, breakfast at work of oatbran, mixed seeds, blueberries and organic whole milk, no morning snack, lunch 12 mini chicken satay (not home made) and one organic carrot, afternoon snack before gym was an oat and pumpkin seed ryvita with whole earth organic smooth peanut butter, a protein shake after the gym, and dinner was a bowl of pea and lettuce soup with another ryvita slice.

That's only 4 of my 5 a day and calories wise I sucked: 1134/1802, a seriously poor effort, but what are you supposed to do when you genuinely aren't hungry???

The gym was also bad.  Before I started running outdoors I never thought I'd like it and ran quite well at the gym, now that I love to run outside I cannot focus at all on the treadmill, I can't get a rhythm going and all I seem to do is stare at the clock wishing the minutes away.  So after ten minutes I changed to HIIT training and ran for 30 seconds at 9mph (which if you are small like me feels like 100 mph) 30 seconds at 6mph and 30 seconds at 3.5mph and repeat.  I did that for ten minutes and I thought I was going to die.  My fitness needs to improve .... fast.

After the poor effort on the treadmill I hit the weights, push ups, sumo squats with tricep dips, plank rows with a push up, kettle bell swings, hollowman (37 seconds hold - pathetic) plank (1m 7secs - could do better) mountain climbers, jumping lunges, sit up with torso twist, burpees, lunges with bicep curl, side push ups, tricep dips with leg extensions, pike push ups.... PHEW I was pooped.

Hoping that tonight when I get home my yoga dvd will have come and I can see how much I suck at that too.

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