Tuesday 15 May 2012


Well Thursday's circuit turned out to be a good length but a little easy so on Friday I popped to the gym to have a run and then some weights afterwards. 

I'm not sure what it is at the moment but I don't feel very challenged.  I think its because I am deciding my own workouts and if when I'm running it gets really tough I carry on until i can't go any more and walk.  It makes me wonder though whether really I am going to the limit and stopping or knowing that I can just stop and its laziness?

I think I work harder when its someone else deciding what comes next and how long for so it looks like I'll have to go back to my Jillian stash for now and get some discipline back before the half training starts in June.

1 comment:

  1. I totally understand this. I work so much harder being told what to do whereas on my own I think I know deep down although I think I'm exhausted I know I can do more I'm just a quitter x
