Thursday 7 June 2012


Ok so I'm starting to freak out a bit about the half marathon ..... I know that sounds ridiculous seeing as I've only done 1 run of the 12 week plan, but its true.  My legs are a bit tight today which I suppose is to be expected having not been out for a run in ages but it makes me worry that today my run will be crap.

I'm going straight from work around the town then through the park to home, it needs to be another 30 minutes, which sounds like nothing and loads all at the same time - when did I get so unfit?

Food yesterday was much better.  I'm back logging on MyFitnessPal and if you want to add me on there to check up on me then you can my username is MrsDens (original don't you think?).  Breakfast was an acitmel, one braeburn, 6 almonds and a cup of green tea, for lunch I had a jacket potato with baked beans from the sainsburys deli counter with half a pack of chargrill chicken breast on top, afternoon snack was a 20g organic cheese stick, when I got in from work I had a rice cake with organic peanut butter, dinner was homemade pea and lettuce soup which is delicious, (might post that recipe if anyone wants it - let me know) and one mini wholemeal pitta.  Personally I think that sounds like a lot of food but I must be out of the habit of logging because at the end of the day when I put it all in it only came to 1020 calories ... 500 under goal.  Not good enough and I'm trying harder today, especially as I've got a run to do.

So after logging the good/bad day of food I spent some time researching stretches for before and after running and found this website: after that I had a read of my newest copy of Women's Fitness which typically contained an almost identical article so I'm taking that as a sign that I really need to start taking this half marathon business seriously! 

So I'll let you know tomorrow how the stretching goes!!!

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