Friday 13 January 2012

Am I ripped yet?

So i'm 2 days in, my hamstrings are killing me, no amount of stretching is helping!  Any normal person would take a rest day but I can't just have day 3 off can I?  I remember this feeling well from 30 Day Shred, infact I could barely make it up or down the stairs a few days into that so I'm choosing to persevere.

Todays pictures are (sadly) the same as yesterdays, not sure if I was expecting to wake up looking like Kate Moss but im carrying on with taking daily pictures (as long as I remember!) so that at the end I can compare every day and fingers crossed I'll be able to see the progress.

So here we go:
The muffin top remains....
Looking at this pictures has made me realise that I have terrible posture, will try and sort that for future pictures ... maybe it will make my stomach look less big if I stand up straight (potential wishful thinking!)

A close up of the gut for you!  I have such bad bags under my eyes but seeing as I take these right before the dvd wearing make up isnt an option, not unless I want it halfway down my face by then end of the 30 minutes.
Still yuck.

And a new picture for you:

Someone commented to me yesterday that I hide my shape well by dressing, I think any form of clothes to cover that bit I hate makes a massive difference.... even if it is massively unforgiving stretchy lycra!

Yesterday was a good food day, just under calories after exercise, 2 protein shakes so well over my daily protein, and under on carbs.  Not sure how i'm going to keep that up today, I've run out of shakes!  Hopefully my new tub arrives today and noral service will resume.....

1 comment:

  1. I can see a bit of stomach muscle compared to a few days ago MrsD. Well done, keep up the cracking work.
