Sunday 29 January 2012

Day 18 and a Non Scale Victory!!!

Getting out of your warm cosy bed early on a Saturday to do RI30 isn't exactly up there on my list of favourite things to do, but it was day 18 so I had no choice.  Mr D watched me do it (he didn't join in!) and helped me with my form so at least that was a bonus.
As it was our dating anniversary and as we were off into London I made us a big breakfast each, I had a toasted piece of soda bread, 2 rashers of smoked bacon, a few fried mushrooms and a poached egg on top.  Mr D had a seeded bagel with cream cheese, scrambled egg and salmon, he also had a fried tomato and 2 rashers of bacon the big greedy guts!

Here are the pictures from Saturday:

I think my hips still look pretty wide in the first and last picture but it's getting better, so I'm staying positive.

Like I said, yesterday we went into London, Mr D wanted to stop off at the rugby shop at Covent Garden so we made our way there first, not before we foolishly decided to take the stairs at the tube station, all  193 of them!!  Half way up my quads were on fire (thanks Jillian!) but it was ace when we got the top - we may have done a little jump and big tens in celebration.

Now blog friends I'm about to admit something a bit embarassing, all week I thought Mr D wanted to go to a shop that sold rugby clothes and accessories, thought it was a bit weird to have a shop like that in Covent Garden but hey.  It wasn't until we were stood outside I realised he meant the new Ralph Lauren rugby store... he's told me about it about a million times I don't know why I didn't realise before.  I was quite glad actually because I love a bit of shopping.

This shop was the scene of my NSV.  I'd found a pair of boyfriend style coloured chinos I fancied for summer, the sizes are American and I sometimes find their sizes come up small so I asked the assistant who suggested I take in an 8 and a 10.  Both were too big so Mr D went and got me a smaller size.  Here are the trousers:

And here is the size I ended up buying.....

Your eyes aren't deceiving you that's a ZERO!!!
I can't actually believe they fit, I never would have picked up that size in a million years, getting those made a brilliant day even better.

Food yesterday was a bit mixed, breakfast was a mini fry up like I said, we shared a Pret baguette and a bag of popcorn for lunch and then dinner was a disaster!  I had french onion soup to start and chocolate fondant for dessert but my main was pants.  I'd ordered venison cooked medium, it came and was rare, honestly a skilled vet could have got that Deer going again, I sent it back, I got another one, equally as rare as the first, sent that back and then the third attempt was still bleeding all over my plate - my mash was pink.  I gave up at that point!

5 a Day? - Mushrooms at breakfast and rocket in my baguette.  Total failure again.

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